Nov 29, 2010

5 Inexpensive foods that boost up your health

These 5 inexpensive foods you should eat everyday for optimum health:

Swiss chard
 1. Leafy greens

Leafy greens like Swiss chard, kale and spinach are high in nutrients like folate and vitamins A and C that can lower your risk of cancer. Just one cup of dark, leafy greens a day could also prevent diabetes and high blood pressure.

2. Nuts

Nuts like almonds, cashews and walnuts are high in natural fiber. Fiber slows your digestive process, keeping hunger and unhealthy mid-afternoon snacks at bay.

3. Onions

Studies show that consuming onions on a regular basis may reduce symptoms of asthma and the risk of developing stomach cancer. Add them to soups and stir-fry, and just remember -- the stronger the onion, the greater the health benefit.

4. Whole grains

Refined grains, like white rice and pasta, have lost 90% of their nutritional value through the refining process. So choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and whole oats. A recent study showed that a diet rich in whole grains help flatten your belly by reducing fat storage in your lower abdominal region.

5. Yogurt

Making yogurt part of your daily eating routine can improve your digestion -- if you're buying the right stuff. Check that the label lists "active cultures" to make sure you're getting healthy probiotics, and pick a yogurt rich in vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis.

Sep 29, 2010

Choosing the right foundation

Choosing the right foundation can be very tricky. Here are some tips for choosing the right one :

- Always choose your foundation in daylight.

- Look for the shade that most closely matches your own skin.

- Test a small amount on your face, near the jaw-line, and never on your hand. If you hold your hand up to your face you will find that they are not the same colour.

- Remember to stand in a doorway or outside to see if the color matches

- A foundation with sunscreen is a safe bet, but you will still need to wear sunscreen under your foundation.

Jul 9, 2010

Natural Bridal Look

This is a wedding season. Here is a tutorial for a natural bridal look. Hope you will like it.

Jun 30, 2010

Clubbing Makeup tutorial

Jun 29, 2010

The Fruit That Fights Wrinkles

It's papaya. What makes papaya so perfect? Easy. Vitamin C. Papaya has loads of it, and getting lots of vitamin C may mean more youthful skin -- fewer wrinkles and less thinning and dryness. A recent study in women over 40 confirmed it.

The Mysteries of C

Vitamin C is a natural friend to skin. The nutrient is essential for making collagen, the protein fibers that give skin its strength and resiliency. And being a powerful antioxidant, C also disarms free radicals that would otherwise chip away and weaken collagen.

More Food for Your Face

A little extra vitamin C isn't all it takes to plump your complexion. Here are a few more food tips that can help keep your face fresh:

Munch on walnuts. In the vitamin C study, researchers also noted that diets rich in linoleic acid -- an essential fatty acid in walnuts -- meant moister, plumper skin.

Ease up on fats and refined carbs. Scientists found both were linked to aging skin.

Think whole grains. The magnesium and B vitamins you get from them help with the regeneration of skin cells.
By RealAge

Jun 28, 2010

3 Fruits for Great Summer Skin

Nectarines, and

These juicy treats not only cool your mouth in warm weather but may shield your skin from warm weather, too. Compounds in the fruits may boost your skin's natural resilience against wrinkles and sun damage, according to Allison Tannis, author of Feed Your Skin, Starve Your Wrinkles.

Cherries: Eat a daily handful and you may enjoy fresher, less puffy skin. It's all thanks to the inflammation-fighting anthocyanins and melatonin in cherries, writes Tannis. Melatonin may boost UV protection and cell growth as well -- two great ways to keep wrinkles at bay. Tart cherries tend to be highest in melatonin.

Nectarines: These smooth-skinned sisters of the peach provide a mini-spa's worth of nutrients that may help correct sun damage from the inside out, according to Tannis. They offer skin goodies like lycopene, lutein, niacin, copper, and vitamins A, C, and E. The A, C, and E trio also works to control inflammation and free radical damage in both the watery and the fatty layers of skin.

Watermelon: Nibbling on watermelon wedges has the power to refresh your face as much as your palate, thanks to the high water and lycopene content. Lycopene helps protect and preserve connections between skin cells so skin is tighter, smoother, and better able to retain moisture.
By RealAge

Apr 11, 2010

5 Foods to Prevent Heart Disease

Eating a healthy diet is a key for preventing heart disease. Here are five heart-healthy foods that can literally save your health. These are not the only five foods that protect your heart, but they stand out as star performers and great additions to any diet.

1. Garlic: This herb is ideal for heart health. Numerous studies have shown the potential benefits of regular garlic consumption on blood pressure, platelet aggregation, serum triglyceride level, and cholesterol levels – all of which keep your heart performing. Garlic also makes a great seasoning for food so you can greatly reduce salt.

2. Salmon: Omega-3 in salmon can prevent erratic heart rhythms, reduce likelihood of blood clots inside arteries, improve the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol, and prevent cholesterol from becoming damaged, at which point it clogs arteries.

3. Berries and Cherries: They are high in polyphenols, which prevent cell damage that creates unhealthy blood vessels and heart. During the winter, opt for frozen berries. Try thawing a bag of frozen strawberries in the refrigerator. Then, add unsweetened, steel-cut oatmeal with the berries.

4. Quinoa: This tiny sprouted seed is an excellent source of magnesium, the mineral that relaxes blood vessels. Low dietary levels of magnesium lead to some scary health issues like increased rates of hypertension, ischemic heart disease and heart arrhythmias.

5. Hot Cocoa: Hot cocoa is brimming with antioxidants – two-times more than red wine and three times more than green tea. Since hot chocolate mixes are full of sugar, use 100% cocoa and combine with a teaspoon of sugar. Plus you'll sweeten with the natural sugars in the milk.

Mar 13, 2010

Dr. Oz's 3 ways to fight the aging process

Dr. Oz's 3 ways to fight the aging process.

1.Wear SPF 30 sunscreen every day, even when you don’t feel like you’re going to be outside all day. The left side of the body ages faster and is more likely to develop cancer due to prolonged exposure from driving a car!

2.Wear a mega-moisturizer containing glycerin that locks in moisture.

3.Use a 1-micron pillowcase that fights inhalation of dust mites and their fecal matter. In addition, sleep on your back so your face isn’t fighting gravity to prevent wrinkles.

Mar 3, 2010

The 5 foods you should eat every day

Eating right on a budget can be a challenge, but it's certainly not impossible. Consider this your cheat sheet to the 5 inexpensive foods you should eat everyday for optimum health.

1 Leafy greens
Medical experts call them one of nature's miracle foods. Leafy greens like Swiss chard and kale are high in nutrients like folate and vitamins A and C that can lower your risk of cancer. Just one cup of dark, leafy greens a day could also prevent diabetes and high blood pressure.

2 Nuts
Many nutritionists recommend nuts like almonds, cashews and walnuts because they're high in natural fiber. Fiber slows your digestive process, keeping hunger and unhealthy mid-afternoon snacks at bay. Goodbye vending machine runs!

3 Onions
Studies show that consuming onions on a regular basis may reduce symptoms of asthma and the risk of developing stomach cancer. Add them to soups and stir-fry, and just remember -- the stronger the onion, the greater the health benefit.

4 Whole grains
Refined grains, like white rice and pasta, have lost 90% of their nutritional value through the refining process. As if that weren't reason enough to choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and whole oats, a recent study showed that a diet rich in whole grains actually flattens your belly by reducing fat storage in your lower abdominal region.

5 Yogurt
Making yogurt part of your daily eating routine can improve your digestion -- if you're buying the right stuff. Check that the label lists "active cultures" to make sure you're getting healthy probiotics, and pick a yogurt rich in vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis.


Feb 15, 2010

Top Diet Myths

Dr. Oz cleans up some common misconceptions

Myth 1: Potatoes and bread are fattening.
Actually: It's just the opposite. Starchy vegetables and bread (whole-grain bread, that is) are quality carbs needed to fuel every part of you, from your brain to your muscles. What gets you into trouble is how you eat them: Smear butter on a slice of whole-wheat bread or deep-fry potatoes and you can double, triple, or quadruple the calories.

Myth 2: Drinking a glass of water before a meal curbs appetite.
Actually: Yes and no.Water tames appetite if it's incorporated into food, such as soup, or a thick drink, like V8 100% Vegetable Juice. Apparently, when water is bound to food, digestion is slower, explains Elizabeth Somer, RD, author of 10 Habits That Mess Up a Woman's Diet. That's why women in one study found chicken-rice soup more satisfying than chicken-rice casserole and a glass of water -- even though the soup had 27% fewer calories! One exception to this rule: It's easy to confuse hunger and thirst, so if you find yourself craving something -- but what? -- drink a big glass of water and wait a few minutes. You may find that's what your body really wanted.

Myth 3: Shellfish is high in cholesterol.
Actually: On the one hand, it's true: Just 3 ounces of shrimp delivers more than a third of your daily cholesterol. But there's a surprising flip side to this story: Shrimp is low in saturated fat -- the kind that becomes artery-clogging bad cholesterol -- and has a smidgen of heart-healthy omega-3s. In fact, University of Southern California researchers discovered that eating shellfish, such as shrimp, every week reduced heart attack risk by 59 percent!

Myth 4: The occasional burger and fries won't kill you.
Actually: It depends on your definition of "occasional."If occasional means every Friday night and then some, well, you may be pushing it. But if it means every few months, and you're fit, and you've got good numbers (i.e., weight, waist size, cholesterol, blood pressure), AND you're chowing down on vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and other nutritious fare most other days, hey, you'll live. But few of us are that perfect. If you do occasionally indulge, offset the effects of a fat fiesta with a brisk 90-minute walk afterward.

Myth 5: Women naturally gain weight after menopause
Actually: While you can blame a lot of things on hormones (everything from acne to PMS), in this case, slowing down physically is far more likely the cause. Study after study has found that older women who exercise regularly and vigorously can maintain their figures.

Myth 6: Diet soda is worse than the real thing.
Actually: Both types of soda -- diet and regular -- increase kidney and heart disease risk, plus both contain acids that erode tooth enamel, inviting cavities. But at least diet soda isn't also loaded with 150 empty calories of sugar. Still, we'd all be better off switching to water, diluted fruit juice, and green tea rather than drinking soda, diet or not.

By Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD

Benefits of wheatgrass

Growing and juicing your own wheat sprouts is not only decorative and fun, but also highly nutritional. Wheatgrass is full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The juice has many health benefits due to the high concentration of chlorophyll, Vitamins B-12, B-6, K & C, and beta-carotene. Here are just a few:

• detoxifies the body
• improves digestion
• increases energy
• prevents illnesses such as cancer and diabetes
• boosts the immune system

Many wheatgrass fans grow it themselves. It takes about two weeks from planting to harvest time. People who grow wheatgrass usually blend the grass into a juice and add it to smoothies or other drinks. If you do not want to grow it yourself, you can find wheatgrass juice and dried wheatgrass powder or pills in almost any health food store.

Feb 4, 2010

Valentine's Make-up

Valentine day is just around the corner. Obviously, you would like to look your best on the special day. I have put some make up and hair tutorials. Hope you will enjoy them.

Valentine day's hair

Feb 1, 2010

Get rid of whiteheads and other skin problems

Whiteheads, blackheads, blemishes, pimples, or zits are skin problem that starts when oil and dead skin cells clog up your pores. Sometimes they are also caused by bacteria. There are various treatment methods you can use to get rid of these problems:

1. Use facial steamer
Steam opens up your pores and makes it easier to clean out. You can purchase a steamer that is designed for this purpose or you can just use a pot of water and heat it on the stove. When the water is hot enough to produce visible stream, remove from the burner. Lean over the pot with a towel over your head to hold the steam in. Continue for few minutes. Follow by cleaning your face with a mild cleanser and rinse thoroughly.

2. Exfoliate
Using an exfoliate is another way to get rid of whiteheads or blackheads and to help keep others from forming. When you exfoliate, dry skin cells are removed and the sebum in your follicles is not as likely to get trapped inside. Do not overdo it! You should only exfoliate once or twice weekly.

3. Use mask
Use a facial mask. You will need a mask that hardens as it dries. It is very important to find one that hardens because other masks will not draw the oil out of your face. My personal favorite is “Queen Helene Masque, Mint Julep” (good for pimples).

4. Use antibacterial products
Pick a cream that contains benzoyl peroxide, a solid ingredient for eliminating whiteheads quickly. Benzoyl peroxide both kills bacteria and absorbs oil, helping to get rid of those pimples fast.

5. Use water-based make-up
Do not use oil-based cosmetics. This will contribute to the build-up of oil that is already in the skin’s follicles. You should use a water-based makeup that is non-comedogenic so that it will not block your skin’s pores. Regardless of the type of cosmetics you wear, you should always remove them completely before you go to bed.

6. Get facial
The skin care professional can perform extractions that involve gently pressing on your whiteheads to release the pus from within them. Do not attempt to perform extractions on your own, as you can seriously damage your skin.

Jan 31, 2010

The secrets of looking young

Here are the secrets of looking young:

1.Consume the foods containing antioxidants because antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals

2.Walnuts can keep your hair shinier and more youthful looking

3.Quit smoking. People who smoke have older-looking skin because smoking reduces collagen production

4.Vitamin A has been proven to increase chemicals that reverse wrinkles

5.Foods that contain biotin, such as tomatoes and romaine lettuce, help strengthen your nails and hair

Jan 29, 2010

Homemade banana mask for your skin

A simple and cost-effective way to smooth out wrinkles. All the ingredients for this mask can be found in your kitchen (or local grocer) and will leave your skin replenished, glowing and smelling delicious.

Mash 1/4 banana and combine with a teaspoon of honey and 1/4 cup of yogurt. Spread over face and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water and gently pat dry.

Jan 25, 2010

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are once again in the news and it is another positive story about these healthy fats. Researchers from the University of California in a recent study funded by the American Heart Association, found that omega-3 fats may help slow down the aging process. The researchers focused on telomeres, which are sequences of DNA that form a protective cap as cells divide. These telomeres get shorter every time a cell divides and this shortening is thought to be linked to some of the effects of aging.

The researchers in their study found that the people who had the highest blood levels of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), the two omega-3 fats found in fish and fish oils, had the slowest rate of telomere shortening over time, compared to those with the lowest levels. This slowing of the telomere length is associated with slowing of the biological aging. This means that omega-3 fats play an important role in protecting us against some of the aging processes including heart disease.

We already know that omega-3 plays a major role in heart health. One of the functions is to help reduce stickiness of your blood so it is less likely to clot, an important factor in lowering risk of strokes and heart attacks. It has been shown that people who regularly eat more fish have lower rates of heart disease. There is also an association with omega-3’s protecting against inflammation, another important risk factor.

The best sources of DHA and EPA are the fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, trout as well as fish oils. A 3-oz. (90 gram) serving of baked Atlantic salmon has about 1500 mg of DHA and EPA combined. When it comes to omega-3’s most people count on getting them from fish like salmon or trout. However, you can also get it from sardines. A 3-oz. serving of canned Atlantic sardines has about 850 mg of DHA and EPA combined.